مــــرحبـــا بـــــكم في تــــعليم الـــــدارجة المغربــــــية وثقــــــافتها

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Verb " bgha" To Love and To Want.

1) The verb « bgha » is translated into english by « to want » and  « to love »  « to like » depending on the context.
- When we use the verb « bgha» in the past tense it means « to want » .

Ana bghit
I want
Nta bghiti
You want
Howa bgha
He wants
Hiya bghat
She wants
Ntuma bghitu
You want
Huma bghaw
They want
Hna bghina
We want

2) when the verb (bgha) is used with the object pronouns in the present tense, it means “ to like” or “ to love” someone  or something.

-ka-nbghik      I love you
-ka-nbghiha    I love her
-ka-nbghih     I love him
-ka-nbghikum   I love you (plur.)
-ka-nbghihum    I love them

3) when this verb is followed by another verb, the second verb is always conjugated in the present tense without the prefix (ka) or (ta).

Ana kanbghik        i like you.
Nta/nti katbghi      you like
Huwa kaybghi       he likes
Hiya katbghi          she likes
Ntuma  katbghiw    you like
Huma kaybghiw   they like
Hna kanbghiw       we like


-Kanbghi nshrb l-qhwa f-sbah .   i like ti drink coffee in the morning.
- Kanbghi nshrb l-qhwa f-sbah .   i like ti drink coffee in the morning.
-Kaybghi yqra b-lil .   he likes to read at night.

3) Since the past tense of  the verb“bgha”  refers to present tense meaning  of “to want”to expresse a past tense meaning of “to want” you must first use a past tense conjugated form of the verb (to be) followed by the past tense form of ( bgha).

Past tense (to be)
Past tense (kan)
I was
Ana kunt
He was
Huwa kan
She was
Hiya kant
You were
ntuma kuntu
They were
Huma kanu
We were
Hna kunna

* kunt bghit na3raf feen nta . i wanted to know where are you.
* kant baghya tgul’li shi haja. she wanted to tell me something.

·         Question form: bgha= want

a) shnu/ash bghiti?    what do you want ?
b) ana bghit qhwa.     I want cafee.
a)  wash bghiti l’qhwa b skkar?  do u want cafee with sugar?
b) m3ilqa wa7da 3afak.    just one spoon plz.
b) Ali bgha atay u fatima bghat 7lib b choclate. Ali wants  tea and fatima wants milk with chocolate.

·         Question form: bgha= love

a) wash katbghiha?  do you love her?
b) l’la.  No
a)  wash katbghini ?  do you love me ?
b) ah/ wah .  yes
a) kddab, nta kddab.  liar, you are a liar.


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