مــــرحبـــا بـــــكم في تــــعليم الـــــدارجة المغربــــــية وثقــــــافتها

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Negative Sentence (part 1). phrase verb

·               To make a negative sentence with verbs you should respect the following rules.

1) Putting the verb bettween the prefix (ma) and the suffix (sh) like this.

                           Rule verb : ma + verb+ sh

Affirmative sentence     

                           - Ana bghit n3rf shkun nta  .                          

                             I want to know how are u ?                        

Negative sentence

                      ma + bghit+ sh (ma bghitsh) = i don’t .

                     ma bghitsh nshufk = i don’t want to see you.   

  Feeling expressions :

Affirmative sentence                                      Negative sentence

  - Kanbghik                                                         ma kanbghiksh

               I love you .                                                           I don’t

  -  twehshtk                                                         ma twehshtksh           

                I miss you                                                            I don’t .

 -  Kat3jebni bezzaf                                             ma kat3jebnish

               I like you so much                                              i don’t

 -  Kan7s b rra7a m3ek                                      ma kan7ssh (ma kan7sh)….

                    I feel at ease with you.                                 I don’t.

- Nqdr n3ish bla bik                                            ma nqdrsh

                      I  can live without you.                               I can’t.

2)    In some cases, you can also use the words ( walo or 7tta 7aja= nothing) instead of the suffix (sh) to express a negative sentence.



-         Ma fhemt walo   ------- ma fhemt 7tta 7aja         (I understand nothing)

  -         Ma sme3t walo  -------- ma sme3t 7tta 7aja          ( i hear nothing)

  -         Ma dert walo  ------- ma dert 7tta 7aja                   ( i did nothing)


   3) Sometime the word ( ga3 = definitely) can be used as a perfect respond in negation.

Question statement                            negation statement

 -       Twe7shteni ?                             ga3 ma twe7shtk

        Do you miss me ?                        i definitely don’t

 -        Katbgheni ?                               ga3 ma kanghek.

-       Do u love me ?                                i definitely don’t..

 -       Kat7tarmni ?                              ga3 ma kan7tarmk.

        Do you respect me ?                       i definitely don’t.


Exercices .

Question word : wash shuft stylo dyali ?

                             Have you seen my pen ?


  -    Ana …………………….(sh/shuft/ma).

-       Ana …………………..( walo/shuft/ ma).

 -      Ana …………………..( 7tta 7aja/ shuft/ma).

  -      Ana …………………… (ma/ga3/ shuft).



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